A stone I died and rose again a plant.
A plant I died and rose an animal;
I died an animal and was born a man.
Why should I fear? What have I lost by death?

As man, death sweeps me from this world of men
That I may wear an angel’s wings in heaven;
Yet e’en as angel may I not abide,
For nought abideth save the face of God.

Thus o’er the angels’ world I wing my way
Onwards and upwards, unto boundless lights;
Then let me be as nought, for in my heart
Rings as a harp-song that we must return to Him

- Rumi -

Since the beginning of history, unknown to us, a war is waging.

One questions the design of God.

One is in an effort in challenge the "Ultimate Authority"

And one, protecting the tradition of ignorance.

But there are handful of others, the unlikely, the phenomenons, who steps in, fighting, to seek the answer.

To find... the truth.